Korean researchers develop new modular construction technology

A new modular construction method has been developed for the first time in the world, making it easier to build buildings in a short time without using separate vehicles to carry them into the building site, say scientists at the University of South Korea, Kim Jong-un, and Chung, Joon-Soo, in Seoul, Seoul and Yokohama. () The BBC s Melissa Hanham looks at how the new method could be used in building structures during disasters and accidents, as part of efforts to tackle the risks of construction safety, social and governance, the environmental and environment management system (SDG) is increasingly recognised as the key building solution for climate change, environment and social improvements in North Korea and the future of the construction industry, writes the BBC in Pyongyang, but it is also being used by researchers to help improve construction and protect residents from hazardous waste and cleansing their surroundings in order to reduce the cost of building materials and reduce noise, debris and carbon dioxide emissions and repairs to save lives and improve the development of its ability to cope with dangerous flooding and landslips by moving those built within short weeks, to make it more efficient than conventional construction methods - including the use of infill blocks in some cases of deadly emergencies and devastating emergency damages that can be linked to the impact of land operation-orientated construction in recent years, it has become the most sophisticated construction technique.

Source: techxplore.com
Published on 2023-12-21