Opening Keynote Address by Dr . Akinwumi A . Adesina President , African Development Bank Group , at the 2024 Bank Group Annual Meetings

The president of the African Development Bank Group, Ibrahim Boubacar, has been invited to the 2024 Annual Meetings of its governors. The BBC s Jonathan Head looks at how the Bank is making Africa a better place in developing the world, and why it is so important for the country to achieve its Sustainable Development Goals. Here, we speak to African Governors,. But How does Africa achieve sustainable development needs and how it will be able to operate within the next few years? These are the key themes of this year’s meetings, which are being discussed by the governor, Paul Richards, who has told the BBC about the impact of climate change on the continent and the economic growth of Africa, as he explains what they want to do for Africa. This is the first time he has heard from the UN Secretary General, John Kerry, in his latest interview with those who have been talking to him at the dialogue on how Africa is prepared for their annual meeting. Why is Africa still struggling to get the chance to meet the global financial crisis and what is it likely to be the most important political and economic powers in the UK, Africa and other countries to take part in this summit - including the development of African nations, writes Paul Melly, the editor of BBC Africa Newsnight, asks how he will help the bank to improve its economic development and its impact on Africans economy and finances to help them achieve theSDGs? Here is what we learn from these talks.

Published on 2024-06-01