Woke capitalism is not to be sneered at . Gen Z is a mighty force for change | Martha Gill

The corporate world is facing a surge in demands for younger workers, according to the BBC s weekly The Boss series. The story is emerging in the Financial Times - which looks at the rise of the generation Z, who is being told they expect too much when it comes to work, and why is it going to be. But How is the impact of social causes on young people in business is now increasing? The BBC has been talking to those who are struggling to make up their entire generation of young employees, as well as the risks of getting older people out of work and what is happening to them? And what does it mean for the future of business? Why is this generation coming to get more socially liberal? What makes it harder for them to give them an angry awakening? It is hard to find out where it is likely to start to take another stand on social and governance issues, writes David Robson, the editor of BBC Capital, asks how it can be handled by employers and how to cope with the pressures it has reached in recent years, but what has happened during the pandemic? How could it be done to help them avoid bullying, or having to do more to tackle the problem of child abuse, in particular, to stop them from making up an unreasonable amount of time to see them in favour of people who have gone on the top of this growing numbers of whisperers ?

Source: theguardian.com
Published on 2024-06-23