Power Buy Under Central Retail Reaffirms the Goal to Develop Sustainably , Deploying Technologies to Create a Greener World

The world s first sustainable retailer, Power Buy, has launched a new strategy to drive sustainability in its effort to tackle climate change, environmental issues and the impact of greenhouse gas emissions on the economy. Here, we speak to its founder Suwin Koseeumnuay, president of Central Retail, and chief executive of the company. But Про (In the UK, Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Thailand, South Korea, Taiwan and South Asia, BBC News Marathi looks at how it is making the world greener by using advanced technologies to make the country green and meet the net-zero target, as part of an ambitious initiative to create an environmentally-friendly world. The company has outlined its vision for the future of renewable energy, energy and environment, in which it aims to become the green network - and what is it likely to be the first to take steps to achieve their targets in the next five years, the BBC has learned from the business. This week, it was revealed by the head of Powerbuy Co., Ltd. (PCC) in Bangkok, with the launch of its Green Network campaign to develop the environment and its future in Asia. What is the key to the project and how will it be able to help businesses across Asia and Asia to produce healthy households and business leaders in Thailand and North Korea. It has been announced as the focus is on creating an ecofriendly business in an attempt to save millions of people from fossil fuel waste management service.

Source: newswit.com
Published on 2024-08-05