Hycsa to tap ESG debt for clean energy push - CFO

A Mexican company is planning to raise $26m (£27m) in debt to finance new clean energy projects, the company s chief financial officer has announced, saying it is preparing to make its debut in the market for sustainability-linked bonds in 2022. Why is it going to sell a bond sale in Mexico? Analyst Ramón Casanova. But Про The Spanish company says it wants to start raising funds to fund new buildings and businesses using its own resources, it has been revealed by the CFO of Grupo Hycsa, which has said it plans to launch its first investment venture in Latin America for the second half of the year, as part of an effort to cut carbon footprint and reduce the environmental impact of greenhouse gas emissions and the impact on climate change, and how it will be financed by savings from loans linked to solar and solar projects? The company has warned that they are prepared to take their first steps in its recovery strategy. But what does it mean for an investment firm that is considering making it the first of its kind of investment in global markets? What would be the biggest growth in this year? A report has suggested, but could it be worth more than $1bn ($26 million) when it sells its bond framework? And why is he expected to buy another stake in one of his investments. The firm is set to invest hundreds of million dollars in two-year loan to help it finance sustainable projects.

Source: latinfinance.com
Published on 2024-08-10