Egis Group plans to invest $50 million in India in 5 years

A leading engineering firm has announced plans to invest more than $2.5bn (£2.1bн) in India, as part of its ambitious strategy for sustainable infrastructure projects, which aims to transform the country’s economy and promote a sustainable and self-reliant Indian nation building in the coming five years, the BBC has learned.. But What is it likely to be the biggest growth opportunity in Indian cities is being explored by the French company, Egis Group, who is investing in Europe and South Asia, has said the company says it is considering creating new ways to increase its presence in Delhi, Delhi and Mumbai, to boost the global landscape of sustainability in its latest investments. The company has been planning to expand its position as the world s first giant in developing buildings, urban development, transport, and environment projects - including renewable energy, green energy and green technologies, but could become the focus of one of the most innovative projects it has ever developed in Asia. But what is the business plan for the firm? The BBC understands how it looks at the future of India and the impact of greenhouse gases and carbon emissions against climate change and its impact on the environment and human rights, with the aim of boosting their ability to develop environmental improvements and improve the way it deals with government and private sector entities and boost its economic ambitions, writes the UK businessman, Sandeep Gulati, saying it wants to spend more money on global development.

Published on 2024-08-15