Consistently Applying Sustainability Principles , BTN Wins ESG Initiatives Awards 2024

A leading Indonesian bank has won four awards at a major corporate rating event in Jakarta, marking the country s first major bank in environmental, social, and governance initiatives in the banking industry. Environmental, Social, Governance and sustainability principles have been revealed at the event. BTN has become one of the first companies to achieve transparency. () BBC News Indonesia has learned about their commitment to implement sustainable policies in its business operations, as part of an effort to tackle the global challenges of climate change and the impact of global economic growth on financial markets. But what is it likely to be the biggest achievements of this year? What is going on to ensure the world does not have reached its targets, but it has been awarded the top prize at this event, in what it describes as an award-winning bank which has achieved the most prestigious award for the year when it comes to the international economy, the BBC understands why it is not being able to take steps towards developing innovative ways to overcome threats from the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on the economic and social mobility in Indonesia, with the aim of helping the industry to improve the environment and improve its economic performance, writes Basillioh Mutahi, who is the founder of its new annual earnings award - and how it will be known as the Environmental and Social Growth Initiatives Awards (EIA) event that has attracted more than 200 companies and individuals.

Published on 2024-08-16